Consejo de Visiones
The Vision Council: An Ancient Way Of Gathering In Modern Times[:En]The Vision Council: An Ancient Way Of Gathering In Modern Times
Desde tiempos ancestrales nos hemos reunido como familias, tribus y comunidades para fortalecer nuestra relaciones, para discutir asuntos importantes de la comunidad, para intercambiar semillas, medicinas o simplemente para celebrar la vida; para sentarse junto al fuego y escuchar las historias de nuestros mayores; para sanar y honrar el espíritu y el cuerpo. Un particular
The Call of the Mountain, Colombia 2012
In early January I traveled to Colombia to participate in the Call of the Mountain 2012, a unique gathering held in Atlantida Ecovillage, Cajibío municipality, Colombia (7-13 of January 2012). An amazing gathering of environmental activists, ecovillagers, permaculturists and visionaries from around the world, the Call of the Mountain was simultaneously the First Iberoamerican (Spanish and
The Call of the Mountain, Colombia 2012 Leer más »