Excited to have been selected to participate in this project alongside amazing artists.
The @SaveArtSpace: “Ancient Future by SISU” selected artists are Afrocentric Keyy – Kiarra Elliott (@afrocentrickeyy), Aldous Massie (@aldousmassie), Amanda Sage (@amandasageart), Andrea Castillo (@neuralmilk), Carolina Niño Buro (@carolinaninoburo), Casey Lance Brown (@case_xx_), Dustin Yellin (@dustinyellin), Farhad Nikfam (@ffnikfam), Hermes Berrío (@hermesberrio), Ibraheem Leone (@ibraheemleone), Ivan Sawyer Garcia (@ivankuxansum), Litana Somoano (@litanavisionary), Matt Canale (@mattcanale), Nissan Leviathan (@nissanleviathan), Noëmi Manser (@noemimanser), Pangea Kali Virga (@pangeakalivirga), Rob Woodcox (@robwoodcoxphoto), STUDIO J/P ROBBINS: PROJECTS (@studiojprobbins), Sya Warfield (@syawarfield), and Zoe Schwartz (@zoeroseschwartz).
Curated by Angela Del Sol (@angeladelsol).
”Ancient Future” is a multimedia series by @sisu_xyz, a climate-positive web3 community that explores the connection between technology, climate, and art. How can technology help us steward natural resources? Can nature and tech truly coexist?
During the week of November 21, 2022, SaveArtSpace will launch public art installations for each selected work on billboard and bus shelter ad spaces throughout Miami, and Miami Beach, FL. SaveArtSpace is also participating in two art fairs! Visit us at @scopeartshow, Booth A03, Artist: Rob Woodcox. November 29 to December 4, 2022, 11am – 8pm.
Also visit us at @satelliteartshow, Artists: Afrocentric Keyy, Amanda Sage, Andrea Castillo, Casey Lance Brown, Hermes Berrío, Ibraheem Leone, Ivan Sawyer Garcia, Litana Somoano, Matt Canale, Nissan Leviathan, Noëmi Manser, Pangea Ka
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