After many years of receiving the invitation, I finally accepted the call to participate in the New Year’s party of Comcaac, an indigenous nation that lies between the desert and the sea in the state of Sonora. A true honor and privilege to be able to share this festivity with this unique town full of mysteries and stories hidden in the sand. A town scourged by history and by nature but that today rises up with all its beauty and with all its material and spiritual strength. Widely known today for the use of the toad or Buffo Alvarius, when in reality their true treasure is their language, their traditions, their songs and sacred dances and ancient knowledge that according to their ancestors brought them from the stars. Axatipi! / More about this unique celebration:…/celebran-ano-nuevo-de-la-…/
Feature in We Walk This Earth Podcast
New feature in podcast We Walk The Earth podcast. Link below ——————————————————————————————— In episode 26 of We Walk The Earth, @ivankuxansum discusses how protecting and
Amazonia Viva: Art Residence at El Ganzo Hotel, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. May 15 to June 15
In the project Amazonía viva I seek to share through these portraits, the deep cultural richness of the Huni Kuin and Yawanawa peoples of Acre,
Particpation in SaveArtSpace
Excited to have been selected to participate in this project alongside amazing artists. The @SaveArtSpace: “Ancient Future by SISU” selected artists are Afrocentric Keyy –
IV Indigenous Ayahuasca Conference
Very grateful to participate in the recent 4th Indigenous Ayahuasca Conference together with my colleagues from the Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund and the Yaqui Intercultural
Interview: Honoring the Indigenous Heart
“Listen to the ancient voices and go forward with that understanding and respect for who has been here before you.” Ivan Sawyer Garcia is a
Wirikuta: the renovation of the Earth
“Thus dawns on the summit of the Quemado. From there flowers and blessings are sent to the south pole and even to the north pole